CIPCR Chairman Jeffrey Donaldson participating in a workshop in Istanbul on the political participation of Parties with Religious reference in the Arab World hosted by the Cordoba Foundation of Geneva.
The Chairman of the Causeway Initiative Jeffrey Donaldson has taken part in a workshop in Istanbul hosted by the Cordoba Foundation of Geneva and focused on a discussion between western Christian politicians and members of Islamic Salafi Parties from countries like Egypt, Morocco, Libya, Algeria, Yemen and Mauritania about the participation of political parties with religious reference in the political process. During the discussion Mr Donaldson was able to draw upon the experience in Northern Ireland and spoke of the role played by political parties in the peace process, and the challenges in promoting reconciliation at a political, religious and societal level. The workshop considered the current situation in the Arab region and the role that Salafi parties can play in promoting peace and opposing violence by some Islamic groups. The workshop also considered the tensions that exist in each of these countries between secularists and political movements with a religious reference, and the steps that are necessary to avoid polarisation.